The Rise of Alternate Cannabinoids: Delta 8 and HHC

Cannabis is no longer just about THC. In recent years, a growing number of consumers and companies have become interested in other cannabinoids, such as delta 8 and HHC. These compounds offer a different set of effects and benefits than THC, and are rapidly gaining popularity among both recreational and medicinal users.

Delta 8, also known as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a minor cannabinoid that is found in small quantities in most cannabis strains. However, recent advances in extraction technology have made it possible to isolate delta 8 in large quantities, and to produce it synthetically from hemp. Delta 8 has a similar molecular structure to THC, but with a few key differences that give it a unique set of effects.

One of the main differences between delta 8 and THC is their potency. Delta 8 is about 70-75% as potent as THC, which means that users can expect a more mild, "clearer" high that is less likely to cause anxiety or paranoia. Delta 8 also has a lower affinity for CB1 receptors in the brain, which is thought to be responsible for its different effects.

Another key difference between delta 8 and THC is the legality of the two compounds. Delta 8 is currently legal under federal law in the United States, due to a loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill that defined hemp as containing less than 0.3% THC. This has allowed companies to produce delta 8 products made from hemp, and to sell them online and in stores across the country.

HHC, or hexahydrocannabinol, is another lesser-known cannabinoid that has gained popularity in recent years. Unlike delta 8, HHC is not found in significant quantities in most cannabis strains, and must be synthesized in a lab. HHC is a highly potent cannabinoid, with effects that are said to be similar to THC but more intense and longer-lasting.

HHC is not yet legal in the United States, but it is widely available online from overseas suppliers. Despite its illegality, many users are attracted to HHC for its strong effects and the novelty of trying a new cannabinoid.

The rise of delta 8 and HHC is part of a larger trend towards exploring the potential benefits of other cannabinoids beyond THC. As more research is conducted on these compounds, it is likely that we will continue to discover new and exciting uses for them in both recreational and medicinal contexts.


Note: This article is not intended to be taken as medical or legal advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional and a lawyer before using any new substances.


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